Friday, January 4, 2013

A Visit with Santa!

Eli and I had a visit with Santa at the mall in early December to commemorate his very first Christmas. 

Eli did ok until Santa tried to shift him in his arms, and then he sortof had a meltdown. Poor kid.

Santa stood up and tried to do a little dance to get Eli to calm down, but there was no way that was happening. Poor kid. 

You only get a couple of minutes with Santa these days, and frankly, I think that was all that my son could stand. But Eli got his revenge. When I went to retrieve my son from Santa's arms, Santa said to me, "He has a pretty good hold on my beard," and he certainly did. I had to untangle my boy's fingers from Santa's wiry, white, mess of a beard before I could get him back into my arms. Santa was a very good sport, and even offered to try for more pictures after I got Eli to sleep in the sling as we waited in the buy-your-pictures line, but I wasn't altogether too sure that Eli would stay asleep, and I certainly didn't want to wake him, so we just kept the screaming pictures. Reality, yo. 

Thank you, Santa! Eli got what he wanted this year! I don't know how on earth you figured out his wishlist from the screams he gave you, but good job!

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